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Online Classroom Rules

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Online Classroom Rules

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  • Online Classroom Rules

Online Classroom Rules

Dear Learners,
We request you to adhere to the following classroom rules for smooth functioning of classes.

1. Join the virtual classroom on time (as per the class routine).
2. Students should possess appropriate Computing system with better internet connectivity.
3. Students speakers will be enabled, but microphone and camera will be disabled. If any
student needs to make a query, click ‘raise hand’ or post a text message in the chat window,
if required, the teacher may ask you to unmute the microphone or switch on camera as
4. Stay in real time video presence. Teachers will collect the attendance report automatically.
The report contains name, join time, and leave time of all participants.
5. Be presentably attired for the class. Teacher may ask you to switch on your camera.
6. Sit on a table and straight seat. Do not lie on sofa or bed during the class.
6. Keep the room quiet.
7. Be prepared and fresh for the class. Avoid leaving the class in the middle.
8. Do not engage into other communications (conversation, phone call or sms) during the class.
9. Avoid eating during the class time.
10. Use headphone/ earphone and microphone for better performance.
11. Teachers may record the lecture for future reference. Students are not allowed to record any
part of the lecture by any means.
12. Any misuse of the lecture sessions or modified or unauthorized posting of any part of the
lecture sessions in any social media group will be a major offense and will lead to disciplinary
13. All the students are required to attend the Assessments.

Kindly feel free to contact your Tutor / Lecturer for any further information or clarification.

Campuses – SUVA – LAUTOKA – NADI